401.942.0600 info@regenrxhelp.com

Medical Weight Loss

Nutrition And Medical Weight Loss In Cranston, RI

Functional nutrition at Regen RX Help is a multifaceted process that can treat a wide range of diagnoses and conditions.  Medical weight loss in Cranston, RI, is the branch of medicine that deals with the causes, prevention, and treatment of obesity. This field encompasses dieting, exercise, and behavioral therapy approaches to weight loss, as well as a natural approach and/or pharmacotherapy.

Obesity is a rising medical problem in our country. Regen RX Help is a medical spa that wants to blend weight loss treatments, medical fitness, and nutritional coaching together to find solutions to help those who are overweight or obese.

Nutrition is the fuel to our bio-mechanical engine. “We are what we eat” is even more important as genetically modified foods and our food production regulation system is often times behind the times. Being educated on what we are eating, how much, what we need to eat to get the results we are looking for and discovering that diet is the foundation to our health is essential. Obesity is one of the many things we treat. Being tired, not feeling like yourself and feeling like your body is getting in the way of your daily life and health spans a wide range of body types.

Why Losing Weight Is Important

There are many detrimental health effects that come with obesity. Those with a body mass index (BMI) exceeding their health range are at a much greater risk of developing a variety of different medical issues, including heart disease, diabetes, many types of cancer, asthma, obstructive sleep apnea, and chronic musculoskeletal problems. There is also a focus on the correlation between obesity and mortality.

Unfortunately, many people may find it difficult to successfully lose weight on their own. It isn’t uncommon for dieters to try different fads that have only led them to gain weight or return to their original weight after the diet ends. Also known as “yo-yo dieting”

Dr. Martin has found that a combination of approaches that are customized to the individual patient/client has been the most successful approach. That is why our functional nutrition services are more likely to help you achieve the results you are after and keep that weight off going into the future.

Prescription Medication Weight Loss Treatment 

Regen RX offers a personalized medical treatment program for those at risk for obesity or suffering from obesity. We view weight loss as a side effect of being healthy and would love to get you started on your journey to being your best self.

Please contact us for a consultation to get started with a personalized and customizable prescription weight loss plan!